Prototype Based User Interaction

Use Case PROTOTYPE BASED USER INTERACTION. CHALLENGE What cultural differences exist when interacting via voice with digital devices? CONTEXT Global research program to identify user experiences and their regional differences. IMPACT Deep user and user experience...

Customised Design Sprint

Use Case CUSTOMISED DESIGN SPRINT. CHALLENGE How to create a mobile solution app with AR in less than a week? CONTEXT Digital application for financial eduction. IMPACT Augmented reality application prototype with C-level leadership agreement for implementation....

Realise A Networking Event for Science Communicators

Use Case REALISE A NETWORKING EVENT FOR SCIENCE COMMUNICATORS. CHALLENGE Building a sustainable network in science communication. How to create momentum? CONTEXT Networking accelerator with the goal to initiate new collaborations in the field of science communication....

Gain Inspiration And New Perspectives In Berlin

Use Case GAIN INSPIRATION AND NEW PERSPECTIVES IN BERLIN CHALLENGE Bring the organisation together, get insights and new perspectives, co-create ideas and fine tune ambitions, goals and milestones. CONTEXT Annual challenge camp. IMPACT Inspirations and new concrete...

Become A More Agile Organisation

Use Case BECOME A MORE AGILE ORGANISATION. CHALLENGE How to become more agile and innovative? CONTEXT Annual global leadership meeting. IMPACT Process simplification and leadership commitment throughout the global organisation. APPROACH Utilise the insights and...